Al-Zaytoonah University of Science and Technology is a private Palestinian university founded by a promising pioneering idea of a Palestinian academic who headed two universities for more than twelve years. This long academic experience enabled a deep understanding of the reality of higher education and its institutions and generated a subjective feeling among the founder of the importance of having a private university that transcends most of the historical educational problems suffered by higher education institutions, and fills the shortcoming in some sensitive aspects of Palestinian higher education. Proceeding from this background, which the Academy brought together from its educational and administrative sides, the idea was presented to some investors, and in 2014 a group of entrepreneurs responded to it. They began translating it into practice by registering the idea with the Palestinian Ministry of Economy as a company aiming to establish a private university. After completing the registration procedures, the follow-up procedures for obtaining the initial license for the university from the official authorities (Higher Education and the Council of the Ministry) continued, where the relevant papers were submitted.
وقد شهد العام 11/12/2015 تدشين حجر أساس الجامعة بحضور دولة رئيس الوزراء د. رامي الحمد الله، على أرضٍ مساحتها الحالية 144 دونماً، والتي جرى اختيارها لأبعاد وطنية، ومجتمعية، وتنموية، في منطقة تقع بين سلفيت واللبن الشرقية، على مفترق ثلاث محافظات (جنوب نابلس، شمال رام الله، وشرق سلفيت)؛ لتضع حدّاً للتوسع الاستيطاني القريب. ثُمّ بدأت جامعة الزيتونة للعلوم والتكنولوجيا مسيرتها من خلال إعلان انطلاق فصلها الأكاديمي الأول من العام الدراسي 2020 -2021.
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